Air-cooled xenon lamp X22

产品编号: 202414152257

产品描述: Air-cooled xenon GZRM-AIR-X22 is a benchtop optical aging test equipment in the laboratory, using an 1800W air-cooled xenon lamp with an exposure area of 980cm², easy to use and economical.

Air-cooled Xenon GZRM-AIR series is a laboratory benchtop optical aging test equipment, using an 1800W air-cooled xenon lamp, exposure area of 980cm², easy to use, economic.
Technical features:
1. Through the mirror reflection system, the exposure area of the sample is large enough and uniform;
2. Enhance the light irradiance and shorten the exposure time of the sample through the mirror reflection system;
3. Through different light filters, applicable to different test conditions;
Box size: 550mm*600mm*700mm (width * height * length)
Applicable standards: GB/T1865-2009,GB/T16422.2-2014,ISO 105B-06,ISO 105B-02,ISO 105B-04
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